Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Football in Texas

As most of you know Gracy is a cheerleader for our peewee football league and loves it. It is truly a family affair as Chase and I go to every practice with her and John, Chase and I attend every game. And everything you have heard about football in Texas is absolutley true! Let me give you a couple of examples. 1.) When Hurricane Ike hit with driving rain and 3o mph winds we sat huddled under a tarp in the stands as poor Gracy cheered her heart out. As I look back on that day I am still shocked that I even let her go, I mean the weather was bad enough that I wouldn't take my camera out, yet there stood my sweet baby girl, smile plastered on her face and my 3 year old splashing in all of the puddles. It was an adventure, but one I hope to never have to repeat. And 2.) I have already had 4 people ask me if I am going to let Chase play flag football next year?!?! SERIOUSLY??? I mean, I just got the boy potty trained like 3 months ago and you think he's gonna be ready to play football? And, what's worse is when anyone asks Chase he tells them that Yes he is going to play football so that he can hit people. Yes, my son would be the one tackling all of the players during the "FLAG", football game. No, thanks. I think we'll wait until he can tie his own shoes before we set him loose on the field.

Also, right now I am up to my elbows in Homecoming mums. Now, up until recently I thought that everyone did Homecoming mums but now realize that this is just really a TX, OK thing. What is a mum you ask? Well, it is a flower surrounded by ribbons with lots of ribbons and trinkets hanging from the bottom and the girls wear them pinned to their shirts. Now normally, girls in High School are given one from their boyfriends but in elementary school the parents provide them. So, as team Mom I am making 16 of them and my house looks like a craft store threw up in it. I have until Monday to get them done so that the girls can wear them in the Homecoming parade, and then they get to wear them to school on Friday and the football games on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. So, say a quick prayer that we get all of these done in time and that my children do not repeat any of the words that I have screamed as I hot glued my fingers to a cluster of ribbons. And when I'm done with this, I get to make the gifts for our girls to give the 26 football players. WE'VE GOT SPIRIT YES WE DO, WE'VE GOT SPIRIT HOW 'BOUT YOU?......ya,ya, whatever!


Anonymous said...

It's definitely an adventure one must see to believe. My mom has an entire wall in her game room strung with mums from 5 daughters who all went to HS in's frightening really. I almost always cut something off for my kids to play with when I drives her nuts.