Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe......

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am soooo sick of all of this presidential stuff. Everytime you turn on the TV you are bombarded with attack ads on who's going to raise your taxes (umm, both), or who did what to whom back in 1972 while smoking a joint wearing fishnet pantyhose, okay, I haven't actually seen an ad like that on TV but I bet someone has created it on Youtube already. Lets face it, the Democrats hate the Republicans, the Republicans hate the Democrats there I said it. But I think I may have come up with the solution. Since we are a country based on democracy I think instead of having one President we should set it up like the Supreme Court. We'll divide the country up into 4 equal parts, (North, South, East and West), and each section will be allowed to vote in one Republican and one Democrat then we will send them all to live in the White House together just like in the show Big Brother. There will be challenges to see who gets to sleep where and who gets to sit at the head of the table, who gets to sit next to the "button" etc...Then whenever something really big comes up we'll lock them in a room and have them argue amongst themselves to come up with the best solution then take a vote. Majority rules. Now after the vote if they are evenly divided I think the Republicans should pick one person to represent them and the Democrats should do the same and we should have a political celebrity cage death match. Now the Republicans might have a slight advantage here as they would probably choose Arnold Schwarzenegger unless of course the Yankees picked Hillary then they'd be screwed!! Honestly, we could kill two birds with one stone here. I'd pay good money to see the Pay Per View Political Death-match on TV, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Think of the money that could go towards the deficit from watch parties and the high dollars companies would pay to advertise during the death-match between "EVERYDAY AVERAGE JUST LIKE YOU JOE BIDEN vs. SARAH THE PIT BULL PALIN!" Surely I am not the only one who would love to see 2 politicians beating the snot out of each other right?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Attention all car makers.....

I think that if you really want to make a car that women will flock to, then you need to have real moms involved on the design team, and I'm not talking about "Jane Executive", who works 60 hours a week while the nanny takes care of the kids. I'm talking about stay at home moms of multiple kids who are constantly having to shuttle the kids around from activity to activity in the "Mom Taxi". I myself have a few ideas for GM and Ford. First I'd really like for them to make a mini-van that has a remote control partition to separate the front seats from the back. You know just like they have in the limos. That way when the Gracy and Chase start fighting, I could just hit the button and enjoy the peace and quiet. This would also mean that I could listen to real music and not the kiddie tunes that I am forced to listen to now. Now, if you want to make it even better you could add a "tint" button that would also darken the partition so as to make the backseat not visible to the front and vice versa, this would serve a duel purpose as I would not then be able to see as Chase finger paints his window with chocolate milk or to have to watch as Gracy tries to put on her lip gloss without the benefit of a mirror only to look like Lisa Rinna is sitting in my backseat, but also to shield the children when some idiot cuts me off and I am forced to scream and use creative hand gestures to convey my displeasure with their inadequate driving skills. I would drive a pea green Yugo mini-van if they made my partition standard on their vehicles. Second, I'd like for the cars to have tear-away covers for the back seats, like they have tear away sheets on the windshields of race cars. That way when John asks me to drive his mom somewhere, I could just walk out to the car and tear away one the sheets covering the backseat instead of trying to figure out the best way to get Froot Loops off of the upholstery without having to use scissors or a blow torch, or how to cover up the melted crayon with a hotwheels car tire stuck to it. Last, I would like navigation for real women, with someone other than the condescending female voice trying to tell me where to go......"Proceed North for .08 miles", SERIOUSLY??? If I knew which direction North was would I need navigation???? I want to hear someone like Sam Elliott giving directions like this: "Darlin' turn like your going to Stone Briar Mall, drive for 10 minutes then at the 3rd stop light turn right, now be careful when you turn and distract the toddler in the backseat as a sign for Chuckie Cheese's is going to be on your left, good job, I knew you could do it because you are the smartest most beautiful woman I know and I think you deserve a treat, there's a Starbucks on the right, hit the button to put up the partition and go get yourself a Frappuccino ." Yes, this would be the ultimate Mom Taxi. Oh, and if you could add a mini fridge and a dustbuster, that would be great too!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Character Wittnesses

Have you ever thought about who'd you want as your character witness? Surely, I'm not the only one who ever thinks of these things right? I mean I don't ever plan on breaking any laws, but I just like to think of myself as "prepared". If I am ever arrested I figure it will be because of road rage, or because of sale gone terribly wrong at the mall, or if someone does something to my kids. I mean I like to think of myself as pretty reasonable, but if you touch my kids I'll jump on you like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew and if that happens I want to have my character witnesses lined up. Diane, friend since 3rd grade, not only knows to much but has the photos to prove it. Cindy, my friend since the 6th grade immediately has to be crossed off of my list, she hates confrontation, so the first time a prosecutor questioned her she fold like an old metal lawn chair. And Lisa would be no help as she would probably be sitting in the seat next to me on trial as my accomplice. And so goes my list slowly dwindling, looks like I better stay out of trouble or make some new friends.

Football in Texas

As most of you know Gracy is a cheerleader for our peewee football league and loves it. It is truly a family affair as Chase and I go to every practice with her and John, Chase and I attend every game. And everything you have heard about football in Texas is absolutley true! Let me give you a couple of examples. 1.) When Hurricane Ike hit with driving rain and 3o mph winds we sat huddled under a tarp in the stands as poor Gracy cheered her heart out. As I look back on that day I am still shocked that I even let her go, I mean the weather was bad enough that I wouldn't take my camera out, yet there stood my sweet baby girl, smile plastered on her face and my 3 year old splashing in all of the puddles. It was an adventure, but one I hope to never have to repeat. And 2.) I have already had 4 people ask me if I am going to let Chase play flag football next year?!?! SERIOUSLY??? I mean, I just got the boy potty trained like 3 months ago and you think he's gonna be ready to play football? And, what's worse is when anyone asks Chase he tells them that Yes he is going to play football so that he can hit people. Yes, my son would be the one tackling all of the players during the "FLAG", football game. No, thanks. I think we'll wait until he can tie his own shoes before we set him loose on the field.

Also, right now I am up to my elbows in Homecoming mums. Now, up until recently I thought that everyone did Homecoming mums but now realize that this is just really a TX, OK thing. What is a mum you ask? Well, it is a flower surrounded by ribbons with lots of ribbons and trinkets hanging from the bottom and the girls wear them pinned to their shirts. Now normally, girls in High School are given one from their boyfriends but in elementary school the parents provide them. So, as team Mom I am making 16 of them and my house looks like a craft store threw up in it. I have until Monday to get them done so that the girls can wear them in the Homecoming parade, and then they get to wear them to school on Friday and the football games on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. So, say a quick prayer that we get all of these done in time and that my children do not repeat any of the words that I have screamed as I hot glued my fingers to a cluster of ribbons. And when I'm done with this, I get to make the gifts for our girls to give the 26 football players. WE'VE GOT SPIRIT YES WE DO, WE'VE GOT SPIRIT HOW 'BOUT YOU?......ya,ya, whatever!