Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Midland....Day One

Scenery: Flat and brown
Apt.: Not as tiny as I remembered it to be.
Kids: Swimming every chance they get. Gracy has already made a few friends, Chase thinks that monsters live in the walls (we're working on that one).
John: Still loving his job.
Me: Where do I begin.....

I was actually doing quite well when we first got here. Apt. is new and very updated and bigger than I remembered. Kind of reminds me of a nice hotel only bigger. Then I got the e-mail that our house had been listed on MLS, checked it out and boo-hoo'd. I can't believe that someone else is going to be living in my house, cooking in my kitchen and being friendly to my neighbors!!! So I am torn between hoping that it stays ours forever and hoping that it sells really fast so that we can buy our own house here.
I also find myself feeling guilty and struggling with the fact that so many people are losing their homes and jobs and that we are so blessed that John has found such a great company to work for. It is very hard to enjoy my pity party when Oprah is showing a mom who has to move her kids from shelter to shelter because both she and her husband have lost their jobs. I always feel like God is thumping me on the back of the head when I see things like that, saying, "and just what is it that you are whining about????". Life is good. I am blessed. We are all healthy with a roof over our heads. God is good.


The Kilgore Corral said...

He IS good, but sometimes the situations He forces us into are confusing until we are on the other side and the big lightbulb turns on above our heads after we realize why it all had to happen that way. WE MISS YOU!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you're noticing the good the apartment being better and bigger than you thought, Gracy making friends so quickly, etc. Hang in there -- and take pictures!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful too. You are right. We need to count our blessings. I miss you, but so happy that you are so able to see the good in everything. I love you.